To Encourage, Empower, and Inspire!

“I’m tired! I need a break! This is a bit overwhelming!” I’ve heard so many of my clients say one or all of the above statements more than once during a session. Women are walking around emotionally empty, mentally lost, and physically drained from the energy they are exerting in relationships that only make withdrawals and no deposits. On a weekly basis, I get to hear women confide in me about how they are feeling in their marriage, at the office, in their relationship, as a mother, etc, and it’s not always unicorns and rainbows. It’s usually filled with shits...
It's Finally Here! Getting to the &, 5 week Continuum

The wait is over! You’ve been asking for us to do a workshop for single and married women! It’s here! The Getting to the &, 5 week continuum. The sessions will be group sessions, offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Oct and Nov. They will be held via Zoom @ 7:00pm to 8:00pm CST. The singles continuum will coverEmotional and spiritual healthLoving yourself first but not being selfishHaving a whole heartDiscernment is critical in allowing people into your lifeIf I saw me, would I want to date me; an indepth look at self.The marriage continuum will cover:Being the emotionally healthy married womanYou...
It Could've Been Different

What if my husband would’ve chosen not to forgive me? What if he would’ve chosen to ignore that small still voice telling him to “Be Still?” What if he would’ve chosen to react differently the night he found that text message in my inbox. Our story could’ve been totally different from what it has turned out to be today; but my husband chose to forgive me and start walking the path toward becoming emotionally complete. All odds were against me. I wasn’t raised in a two parent household where my mother and father were married, shared their ups and downs, yet they still went...
Love Covers a Multitude of Sin

Love Covers A Multitude of Sins.Me: Why did you stay?Joaquin: Something wouldn’t let me leave.Six years ago, the above exchange was a brief part of a long conversation I had with my husband. It was his words that have stuck with me to this very day.Marriage is a choice, no matter what you go through or the choices you/your spouse may make, to stick and stay.Six years ago, I made some choices that gave my husband a valid and biblical reason to divorce me. As much as he was leaning toward taking our son and going on with his life...
The Blended Family

The Blended Family:Open communication, having Compassion, and making adjustments. The blended family is a subject that hasn’t been explored over the years, but it is one that has been a part of many families for generations. The first blended family I can remember is The Brady Bunch. If you’re 30 and above you remember a man and a woman, both with children, meeting, falling in love, getting married and blending their family. If you watched The Brady Bunch, you saw them go through many issues where their children were filled with many emotions as they all worked together to make...
Blended and Winning - The Lopers

Faileded relationships and divorce take its’ toll on everyone involved, not just the adults that are going through the actual process. When children are in the midst of the “break-up” and they have to live a different lifestyle than they have become accustom to, they are left with many unanswered questions and unresolved emotions.For my family, 2005 bought about arduous change, unabating resentment and blurred expectations, while at the same time offering fresh revelation, renewed self-awareness and new relationships to explore.Successfully blending my family was one of the most strenuous and extensive, yet fulfilling processes I’ve ever experienced. This process...
A Prayer for Singles

I was enjoying my quiet time with God this morning and He put my teenage daughter heavy on my heart. She’s about to turn 18 years old and dating is inevitable. The world has drastically changed and dating isn’t what it was 15, 20 years ago, but God clearly shared with me that I shouldn’t be afraid. See, God has shown me how amazing He will be in my life if I just trust Him. I began to lift my daughter in prayer and was led to lift up others I personally know as well as those who may need...
Fall'n for Family

Meet Carina and Jose Chavez, one of our blended and winning families for Fall 2016. The Chavezs’ have 5 kids and live in Eads, Tennessee.A picture is worth a thousand words, but the picture you see is not the life the Chavez family has always lived. They attest to the fact that blending a family has been one of the most challenging aspects of their marriage.When Jose met Carina, she already had 3 children from a past relationship. Two years younger than Carina and childless, Jose knew he wanted to give this a try if she would let him. Six...
Fall'n for Family

Meet Trey and Cecily Carter, from Meridian, MS, one of our blended and winning families for fall 2016.When blending a family, it takes all parties involved to have open communication and a mutual understanding about what is in the best interest of the children. More times than none, within blended families you have different parenting styles that conflict with others and the children are left in the middle, blindsided by the huge difference in discipline, communication, and expectations from one house to the next. This is where the Carter family found their biggest struggle when they blended their family.Here’s their...